Wednesday 10 June 2009

What should I write ?

Well. This is my first blog. I am sure you can figure out from my nervous beginning. I was introduced to the blogging world by my best pal ilavanji ( a famous tamil blogger. I was contemplating doing this for well over two years and finally decided to jump in. Now, the most important thing.

What should I write ? I am not new to writing as I regularly write pages for our various websites and I believe I am getting better in the web writing techniques. But blogging is slightly different. Isn't it ? Here are a few things that sprung to my mind

  • Life in Britain so far
  • My little son Jeetu
  • My memorable schooling days
  • My first job interview
  • Comparison of politics in Britain & India
  • Should I write something as I read/hear/watch everyday

Let me think a little bit more and then decide.Probably I will go with the flow !! That's it for today. I will definitely start writing from tomorrow.


  1. Hi Rajesh,
    It depends on why you want to write and who you want to write for.

    If you have something to say and want to say it to as many people as possible then issues in the wider world are good.

    If you have a target audience in mind then write specifically for them and about those things you think they want to know.

    If you are writing for yourself then it doesn't really matter.

    Whichever it is it is important to make this decision early on and then stick to it.

    My Reading List is designed to talk about politics in Berkshire and a reasonable sized community has built up around it. I'm always on the look-out for people with opinions on what is happening around us, so if you want to talk politics explore some of the local blogs on my list to get some ideas - being familiar with internet conversations is always a good place to start.

    Anyway, if you are ready to give it a go try leaving a few comments on other people's blog posts and subscribe to the threads so you are informed of any responses. If people like what you have to say they'll return.

    Maybe I could ask you about the recent elections and your opinions about the parties who were elected... India and the EU are two of the biggest democracies in the world, so I'm sure you are in a prime position to offer a unique insight!

  2. Hello,

    Thanks a lot for your helpful suggestions. I get an idea now and will defintely write soemthing about the politics in India. Raj

  3. Hey Dude! Do not forget to write about me too...
    :).. I know certainly my face would have flashed in ur mind when you have thought about writing...But do not waste too much time in writing about By the way Billy (Bill Gates) conveyed his regards to u when we were having dinner last week. :)


    Aasma (Rajesh)
